Welcome to English Studies Free Periodicals (ESFP)

ESFP’s aim is to provide a classified compilation of research journals in the field of English language, literature, culture, education, linguistics, communication, educational technologies and translation. It pretends to organize a virtual online library on these topics and facilitate the access to a wide range of high quality free periodicals.

The name of the journal (underlined in blue) links directly to the main page of the journal site.

To make your search easier, you can also have access to the journals in three different ways from the right column and the bottom:

-The first section (Browse the shelves, right column) displays all the included journals with direct links to them.

-The second section (Key words, right column) offers a classification by topic based on the keywords provided by each journal.

-The third section (Index Catalogue, bottom of the central column) lists all the journals in alphabetical order. It links to a full description of each journal in the main body of the page (+ info). By clicking on the name of the journal you can also get access to the journal.

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Language is an open-access, peer-reviewed, scholarly electronic journal that publishes original research on language and language use mediated by the Internet, the World Wide Web, and mobile technologies. Submissions are welcomed that make use of analytical methods from linguistics and other language-related disciplines, as well as language-focused studies of digitally-mediated communication from other disciplines. Research methods may be qualitative or quantitative, and corpus studies making use of computational tools are encouraged.
The journal publishes full-length research articles and occasional special issues. All submitted manuscripts are subjected to a double-blind peer review process; special issue proposals are reviewed by the Editor.
As an electronic journal, Language@Internet departs from traditional print journals in at least three respects:
Online access: Language@Internet is only available online, through a freely accessible online content system. Articles may be printed by subscribers for private use only. Copyright generally remains with the author(s).
Speedy review and publication: To ensure timely publication of current research, Language@Internet aims at sending decisions to authors within three months from the time of submission and publishing accepted manuscripts within a period of no more than four months. Innovative formats: The online platform allows for new and innovative publication formats, as for example the publication of research materials and comprehensive data sets in digital format, including audio-visual material, online presentations, and electronic databases.
ISSN: 1860-2029
Language: English
Publisher: Heinrich-Heine-University in Düsseldorf
Published: annual
Key words: linguistics, sociolinguistics, discourse analytics, pragmatic perspectives
Start year: 2004
Call for manuscripts: langint@indiana.edu
Search engine: Yes
Observations: PDF

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